李开复 · 685人关注
英文版: Life is a string of difficult choice, it is the process of a ceaseless choice. Had taken the trip of life when us, what stay after one's death is the result that we choose. If we choose good, we can sense joy and success, can feel ego produced openly effect to other to the world.
火星文: 囚苼就昰┅串困難啲選擇,昰┅個鈈斷選擇啲過程。當莪們赱過囚苼啲旅途,身後留丅唻啲就昰莪們選擇啲結果。洳果莪們選擇啲恏,莪們茴感箌歡圞囷成功,茴覺嘚自莪對卋堺對彵囚產苼叻㊣面啲影響。
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