郭敬明 · 660人关注
英文版: Do you know to put the chill in the sea on the ice? I am in the deepest gulf that does not see light, miss the sadness like your smile and your mist brume, want to get feel as if a knife were piercing one's heart. If you can hear me to talk, I think you, can you take me to come home?
火星文: 伱知噵栤海深處啲寒冷嗎?莪茬朂深啲鈈見咣啲深淵,想念伱啲笑容囷伱霧靄般啲憂傷,想嘚惢洳刀割。洳果伱能夠聽箌莪詤話,莪想伱,能夠帶莪囙鎵嗎?