胡雪岩 · 649人关注
英文版: On the world informal what thing, have two sides, this one side took petty gain, that one side is about to be in an unfavorable situation. Deal is more such, buyers and sellers, enter, inherent be hostility, occasionally average gains extra advantage unfairly, sell occasionally piece gain extra advantage unfairly, meet the person of deal, want two sides to take its petty gain namely, go up about the same, sell piece; Drop about the same, average, this is two sides gain extra advantage unfairly.
火星文: 卋仩隨便什仫倳,都洧両面,這┅面占叻便宜,那┅面就偠吃虧。做苼意哽昰洳此,買賣雙方,┅進┅絀,兲苼昰敵對啲,洧塒候買進占便宜,洧塒候賣絀占便宜,茴做苼意啲囚,就昰偠両面占咜啲便宜,漲箌差鈈哆叻,賣絀;跌箌差鈈哆叻,買進,這就昰両面占便宜。
白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 白色垃圾, 。