袁隆平 · 389人关注
英文版: I had made a dream, the cauline stalk that dreams of cross paddy is tall like broomcorn, tassel is big like broom, the knot gets a string like paddy resembling grape, I and my assistant people take a walk in the rice field together, enjoy the cool below paddy.
火星文: 莪做過┅個夢,夢見雜交沝稻啲莖稈像高粱┅樣高,穗孓像掃帚┅樣夶,稻穀像葡萄┅樣結嘚┅串串,莪囷莪啲助掱們┅塊茬稻畾裏散步,茬沝稻丅面乘涼。