李开复 · 324人关注
英文版: Want to be on successful path, you ought to have the dream of ego, understand the interest of ego, clear ego expects to become what kind of person. If not be clear about, be about to search. Seeking best way is much trial and error, learn more, and the place that the university is best attempt.
火星文: 偠赱仩成功の蕗,伱應當洧自莪啲夢想,朙叻自莪啲興趣,朙苩自莪期望成為什仫樣啲囚。洳果鈈清楚,就偠去尋找。找尋朂恏啲方式就昰哆嘗試,哆學習,洏夶學昰朂恏啲嘗試啲地方。