巴尔扎克 · 544人关注
英文版: The same tool with different handle. Labor resembles a mystery in them, look for answer to a riddle to find die one day that all the time. They work all one's life sad additional punish labour, pay often does stool of a platelet, sit in entrance of a careless room.
火星文: 紦孓鈈哃啲哃┅工具。勞動茬彵們就像┅個謎,找謎底┅直找箌咽気那┅兲。彵們┅輩孓幹傷惢啲額外罰工,報酬瑺瑺昰弄箌┅條曉板凳,唑茬┅間草屋闁ロ。