李嘉诚 · 116人关注
英文版: After the story that sees Su Dongpo, know what calls without reason to suffer harm. Su Dongpo does not have ambition, but give a person circumvent namely, his brother says rightly: Fault of my elder brother is in famous, the fault is in high-key. This is very helpless error really.
火星文: 茬看蘇東坡啲故倳後,就知噵什仫叫無故受傷害。蘇東坡莈洧野惢,但就昰給囚陷害,彵弟弟詤嘚對:莪哥哥諎茬絀名,諎茬高調。這個眞昰很無奈啲過夨。