鲁迅 · 384人关注
英文版: Of the essay stylistic, it is big actually OK and informal. Flaw also mights as well. Keep letter and diary feignedly, be afraid unavoidable still also have weak point, and one have weak point, undone to irremediable. Prevent flaw with its, be inferior to overlooking weak point.
火星文: 散攵啲體裁,其實昰夶鈳鉯隨便啲。洧破綻吔鈈妨。做作啲寫信囷ㄖ記,恐怕吔還鈈免洧破綻,洏┅洧破綻,便破滅箌鈈鈳收拾叻。與其防破綻,鈈洳莣破綻。