致青春 · 437人关注
英文版: Do you work in still filling in a few farfetched memory in the head? The sad news of the death of what friend, working failure, of gossip calumniatory, the loss of gold, faithful treason, the value that they have reservation really? Dry must these sundry of stack thought put a floor, is those who do so that link at present glad to be squeezed do not go in?
火星文: 伱幹嘛還紦┅些亂七八糟啲記憶塞茬腦ф?什仫萠伖啲噩耗啦,工作啲夨敗啦,鋶訁啲ф傷啦,錢財啲損夨啦,忠誠啲褙叛啦,難噵咜們眞洧保留啲價徝?幹嘛非偠紦這些雜粅堆滿思想啲擱嘍,弄嘚連眼丅啲高興都擠鈈進去?