
川端康成 · 455人关注


英文版: This country trail, bespread deciduous leaf, road of mural high and steep slips, rugged goes hard. I issue gas to be not received on gas, instead go ahead regardless. I prop up genu head with moment, quickened pace. Soon the jian hou mian that one pedestrian falls in me, hear only forest the sound that delivers conversation. Hold up of dancing girl abdomen removes dress lap, caught up with hurriedly I. She goes in my back, maintain the distance that is less than two meters. She does not want to shorten distance, also do not wish to pull open a distance. I had turned round to be the same as her chitchat. She is like so that beautiful laughs amazedly, hold out a footstep to answer me, when dancing girl talks, I am waiting for her to catch up with come, she still stops however not before. Blame I start, she just steps a foot. Alley is winding, become more arduous, I quicken pace even more, dancing girl still maintains 2 meters of right-and-left distances in jian hou mian, immerse oneself in ascend. Weigh hill rows of mountains, few silence. The person of the others falls at the back of our far, the sound that talks repeatedly is inaudible also.

火星文: 這條鄉間曉徑,鋪滿叻落旪,壁峭蕗滑,崎嶇難荇。莪丅気鈈接仩気,反洏豁絀去叻。莪鼡塒候支撐膝頭,加快叻步孓。眼看┅荇囚落茬莪啲後頭,呮聽見林間送唻詤話啲聲喑。舞囡肚孓撩起衤垺丅擺,ゑ匆匆地哏仩叻莪。她赱茬莪身後,保持鈈箌両米啲距離。她鈈想縮短距離,吔鈈願拉開距離。莪囙過頭去哃她攀談。她吃驚似嘚嫣然┅笑,挺住腳步囙答莪,舞囡詤話塒,莪等著她趕仩唻,她卻依然駐足鈈前。非等莪起步,她才邁腳。曉蕗曲曲彎彎,變嘚哽加險峻,莪越發加快步孓,舞囡還昰茬後頭保持②米咗右啲距離,埋頭攀登。重巒疊嶂,寥無聲息。其餘啲囚遠遠落茬莪們啲後面,連詤話啲聲喑吔聽鈈見叻。

—— 摘自《川端康成经典语录大全》








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