曹德旺 · 105人关注
英文版: Becoming charity is not the patent of wealthy person, do charity to want do according to one's abilities, I contribute a few 100 million, it is same that the person that takes salary with you contributes thousands of, because you had endeavored. Even if does not have money, you give a person possibly still with smile, the compassion that reveals you heart, lower than you to the position person is bit more polite.
火星文: 做慈善鈈昰富囚啲專利,做慈善偠量仂洏荇,莪捐幾┿個億,囷伱們拿工資啲囚捐幾芉塊昰┅樣啲,因為伱巳經盡仂叻。即便莈洧錢,伱還鈳能給囚鉯笑容,展示伱啲哃情惢,對地位仳伱低啲囚愙気點。