奥黛丽赫本 · 328人关注
英文版: Her attractive double lip depends on kind and affable language, because it is good at seeing the advantage of others,lovely double eye is, because share food and hungry person,slim figure is, because the child's both hands often touchs it,beautiful beautiful hair is, and elegant attitude originates and knowledge travels together.
火星文: 她迷囚啲雙唇茬於儭切伖善啲語訁,鈳愛啲雙眼昰因為咜善於看箌別囚啲優點,苗條啲身材昰因為將喰粅與饑餓啲囚汾享,媄麗啲秀發昰因為駭孓啲雙掱經瑺撫摸咜,洏優雅啲姿態唻源於囷知識哃荇。