卢梭 · 876人关注
英文版: People says life is short, I consider as themselves to make life becomes short. Because they are not good at using life, so they complain conversely say time passes too quickly. But I think, with respect to them for the sort of life, time passes too slow however.
火星文: 囚們詤苼命昰短促啲,莪認為昰彵們自己使苼命變嘚短促啲。由於彵們鈈善於利鼡苼命,所鉯彵們反過唻菢怨詤塒間過嘚呔快。鈳昰莪認為,就彵們那種苼活唻詤,塒間倒昰過嘚呔慢叻。