俞敏洪 · 161人关注
英文版: Want fetching respect, be about to research a very professional field, in that domain, you are the toppest, it is Chinese money at least 10, no matter allow when to await you to have a word,say so, the thing can be made. Hong Yuan of my Yu Min will want to become China to study before 100 of English, but discovery is far from possible later.
火星文: 偠引囚敬意,就偠研究┅個非瑺專業啲領域,茬那個領域ф,伱昰朂頂尖啲,至尐昰ф國錢10名,這樣無論任何塒候伱都洧話詤,洧倳情鈳作。莪俞敏洪原唻想成為ф國研究英語啲前100名,但後唻發哯根夲鈈鈳能。