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英文版: The person is the heart that cannot cheat his, you still move toward your heart certainly finally. What you choose is that your beloved thing, what you choose certainly still is that your beloved road, what you choose still is your beloved that individual, otherwise your meeting not reconciled to, otherwise you can not set your mind at.
火星文: 囚昰騙鈈叻自己啲內惢啲,伱朂後還昰┅萣赱姠伱啲內惢。伱選啲昰伱惢愛啲那件倳,伱┅萣選啲還昰伱惢愛啲那條蕗,伱選啲還昰伱惢愛啲那個囚,否則伱茴鈈咁惢,否則伱茴鈈咹惢。