巴金 · 308人关注
英文版: What is unripe target? It is to abound the life that brim over with. The life of a person should radiate for other, be in necessary when the nature that still should be other sacrifice self-abnegation is a person, resemble a plant must blossomming.
火星文: 苼啲目標昰什仫?昰豐富滿溢啲苼命。┅個囚啲苼命應該為彵囚放射,茬必偠啲塒候還應該為彵囚犧牲自莪犧牲昰囚啲兲性,就像植粅鈈嘚鈈開婲。
白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 白色垃圾, 。