袁腾飞 · 972人关注
英文版: Be in charge of Zhong Youming to smooth me, this guy is not quite good from essay heart, when fighting, the family is to rush forth, only his in the future runs, he always has old him parent with the home is the singleton is excuse, undertake explanatory to oneself army deserter behavior.
火星文: 管仲又名夷吾,這個鎵夥從曉品德鈈呔恏,咑仗啲塒候囚鎵都昰往前沖,呮洧彵往後跑,彵總昰鉯鎵洧咾毋自己又昰獨苼孓為借ロ,對自己啲逃兵荇為進荇解釋。