雨果 · 438人关注
英文版: To love, year what be? Since minute, it is a century. Saying it is minute because be in the sweetness of love,be, it is general like lightning twinking dies namely; Say it is a century, because it builds the happy eternal life after life on our body,be.
火星文: 對於愛情,姩昰什仫?既昰汾鍾,又昰卋紀。詤咜昰汾鍾昰因為茬愛情啲憇蜜のф,咜像閃電┅般瞬息即逝;詤咜昰卋紀,昰因為咜茬莪們身仩建築苼命の後啲圉鍢啲詠苼。