壹原侑子 · 146人关注
英文版: Although there are a lot of strange things on this world, but without giving thought to how eccentric how strange thing, short of person is in, short of person sees, want the word that has nothing to do with the person only- - can be the thing that phenomenal moment passes namely only. The talent is the strangest thing on this world.
火星文: 雖然這個卋仩洧很哆鈈鈳思議の倳,但鈈管哆仫古怪哆仫稀奇啲倳,呮偠莈洧囚茬,呮偠莈洧囚看見,呮偠與囚無關啲話--就呮鈳昰哯潒瞬間即逝啲倳。囚才昰這個卋堺仩朂鈈鈳思議啲倳粅。