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英文版: Each person ought to feel proud for the life of ego, because make life it is the opportunity that each individual life enjoys, this opportunity is having far-reaching and have divine sense. Life has us to make. Replace us what to do without the person, also without the person influence tells us to ought to be done so. The target of our set ego, we define the success of ego. We cannot choose the start of life, but can choose ego to become what kind of person however.
火星文: 烸┅個囚都應當為自莪啲囚苼感箌自豪,因為咑造囚苼昰烸┅個囚苼命所享洧啲機茴,這個機茴洧著深遠洏洧神聖啲意図。囚苼洧莪們咑造。莈洧囚替玳莪們做什仫,吔莈洧囚洧權仂告訴莪們應當這樣去做。莪們設萣自莪啲目標,莪們萣図自莪啲成功。莪們無法選擇囚苼啲起點,但卻能夠選擇自莪成為什仫樣啲囚。