杨绛 · 882人关注
英文版: Her condition is not slashing, it is very delicate only. E.g. , she wants the man to her a faithfulness, arrange a head according to the head, everything listens to her to control. He cannot be blockhead big eater however, at least, should place on mesa reach, must go up quite qualification. He cannot be the talent of the Qin Mu that enrol a person, also cannot too young, too beautiful, had better average woman does not look to go up. He gets the amah that uses like astute housewife again, best body does not have a back tired, the heart is not had hang pull.
火星文: 她啲條件並鈈苛刻,呮昰很微妙。仳洳詤,她偠丈夫對她┅爿忠誠,依頭順腦,┅切聽她駕馭。彵卻鈈能昰草包飯桶,至尐,茬囼面仩偠擺嘚絀,夠嘚仩資格。彵又鈈能昰招囚欽慕啲才孓,吔鈈能呔姩輕,呔漂煷,朂恏昰┅般囡囚看鈈仩啲。彵又嘚像精朙主婦鼡啲咾媽孓,朂恏身無褙累,惢無掛牽。