爱因斯坦 · 945人关注
英文版: No matter the tide of the times is mixed social fashion how, person always can with oneself high quality, original period and society, take oneself right way. Now, everybody rushs about for freezer, car, house, angle, competition. This is us the feature of this times. But still also have many people, they do not pursue the thing of these material, they seek ideal and truth, the freedom that gained a heart and quiet.
火星文: 鈈管塒玳啲潮鋶囷社茴啲闏尚怎樣,囚總鈳鉯憑著自己高圚啲品質,超脫塒玳囷社茴,赱自己㊣確啲噵蕗。哯茬,夶鎵都為叻電栤箱、汽車、房孓洏奔波、縋逐、競爭。這昰莪們這個塒玳啲特征叻。但昰吔還洧鈈尐囚,彵們鈈縋求這些粅質啲東覀,彵們縋求悝想囷眞悝,嘚箌叻內惢啲自由囷咹寧。