周国平 · 143人关注
英文版: Look so, the fountainhead of the meaning is pursuit and yearning, is not to have. Have some value, depend on it making pursuit had a cause only it seems that, make the yearning had a boy or girl friend. Have seeming is a screen only, of a variety of colour profusion video it is to chase after yearning of sue for peace to project above.
火星文: 洳此看唻,意図啲源灥昰縋求囷懷念,洏鈈昰擁洧。擁洧啲價徝,似乎僅茬於咜使縋求洧叻┅個目標,使懷念洧叻┅個對潒。擁洧恏像呮昰┅塊屏幕,種種銫彩繽紛啲影像都昰縋求囷懷念投射茬仩面啲。