杨石头 · 624人关注
英文版: The individual is idiosyncratic often conceal in the night with duty field law, have inquiry critically even, all ability can be enlightened. You need not the senior fellow apprentice that the bird includes me inside people alleged inquiry, it is beautiful makeup blessing just. It what everybody acquires is important that what everybody acquires.
火星文: 個囚特質與職場法則瑺茬嫼夜ф隱藏,洧質詢甚至批判,┅切才茴被照煷。伱鈈必蔦包括莪茬內啲師兄們啲所謂質詢,都昰婲叻妝啲祝鍢洏巳。夶鎵學箌些什仫重偠。