司马迁 · 559人关注
英文版: Farming do not give a lack its are fed, work does not give a lack its thing, business does not go a 3 treasure absolutely, anxiety does not give a money deficient is little, money deficient is little and Shan Ze does not monarch. This 4 person, the source of civilian place back and belly also. Former big forgive, former small delicacy, go up rich nation, leave rich home, the path of the rich and the poor, mo Zhi is seized grant.
火星文: 農鈈絀則乏其喰,工鈈絀則乏其倳,商鈈絀則三寶絕,虞鈈絀則財匱尐,財匱尐洏屾澤鈈辟矣。此四者,囻所衤喰の源吔。原夶則饒,原曉則鮮,仩則富國,丅則富鎵,貧富の噵,莫の奪予。