陈独秀 · 780人关注
英文版: Hesperian is standard with ruling by law, with utilitarian for standard, reason in order to a person of low position only then, with gentleman eventually; The Chinese is standard with feeling, it is standard with the rules and regulations that have become a dead letter, reason all with gentleman only then,
火星文: 覀方囚鉯法治為夲位,鉯實利為夲位,故鉯曉囚始,鉯君孓終;ф國囚鉯感情為夲位,鉯虛攵為夲位,故銓都鉯君孓始,鉯曉囚終。
<< 上一篇寂寞会发慌,孤独则是饱满的。