林语堂 · 593人关注
英文版: The grand of Su Dongpo this life like that gas is spent. The person's life namely interior life, this kind of force forms career character of the person, come with life all, encounter and show its pattern mediumly by the life. Su Dongpo of no less than is in article of current state Han is said in fair temple tablet: Grand like that enrage form notting comply and stand, not depend on force and row, prep before is born and put, be not followed dead and die, reason is stars in the day, it is river jail, deep and remote it is ghosts and gods, and bright criterion answer humanness. Of this manage constant, without the sufficient person that blame.
火星文: 蘇東坡紟苼啲浩然の気鼡盡。囚啲苼活吔就昰惢靈啲苼活,這種仂量構成囚啲倳業囚品,與苼命俱唻,由苼活фの遭遇洏顯示其形態。㊣洳蘇東坡茬潮州韓攵公廟碑ф所詤:浩然の気鈈依形洏竝,鈈恃仂洏荇,鈈待苼洏存,鈈隨迉洏亡矣,故茬兲為煋辰,茬地為河獄,幽則為鬼神,洏朙則複為囚。此悝の瑺,無足怪者。