保尔柯察金 · 675人关注
英文版: Only go mad so like me the person of the construction that the ground loves the life to love a fight to love that new idealer world, only we these people that saw through all significance that understood the life, ability won't be informal gone, even if a bit onlier the opportunity cannot put down the life.
火星文: 僅洧像莪這樣發瘋地愛苼活愛鬥爭愛那噺啲哽完媄啲卋堺啲建設啲囚,僅洧莪們這些看透叻認識叻苼活啲銓蔀意図啲囚,才鈈茴隨便迉去,哪怕僅洧┅點機茴就鈈能放丅苼活。