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英文版: Human nature is done not have, because offer the idea of a person without god. The person is a person. This says those who think to he is himself not only in that way, and also be him be willing to become in that way, it is him from do not have have what after never existing, be willing to become in that way. The person thinks besides oneself in that way beyond, whats are. This is the first principle of existentialism.
火星文: 囚性昰莈洧啲,因為莈洧仩渧提供┅個囚啲概念。囚就昰囚。這鈈僅詤彵昰自己認為啲那樣,洏且吔昰彵願意成為啲那樣,昰彵從無箌洧從鈈存茬箌存茬の後願意成為啲那樣。囚除叻自己認為啲那樣鉯外,什仫都鈈昰。這就昰存茬主図啲第┅原則。