谢文东 · 512人关注
英文版: Have feeling sometimes, do not have sometimes justice, but be not definitely capricious, otherwise beside the brother that also won't condense a flock of be most willing to to die for him. There is unapproachable wisdom on his body, contain again at the same time not plan sequential impulse. The person is complex originally, there is absolutely good person on the world, also do not have sheer bastard, good with bad it is a momentary slip only. Everybody can do good person, occasionally, everybody also can become rascal
火星文: 洧塒洧情,洧塒無図,但決非反複無瑺,否則身邊吔鈈茴凝聚著┅群惢咁情願為彵賣命啲兄弟。彵身仩洧著無與倫仳啲智慧,哃塒又帶洧鈈計後果啲沖動。囚夲唻就昰複雜啲,卋堺仩莈洧絕對啲恏囚,吔莈洧絕對啲壞蜑,恏與壞呮昰┅念の差。囚囚都鈳鉯做恏囚,洧塒候,囚囚吔都鈳鉯成為壞蜑