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英文版: We have how many odds to encounter, that loves his person greatly also from personal deep love. Even if was encountered, how many odds is there can these two people go all the time? The incident collect of so much small probability is together, make a person break down really. However we are for so the odds of zero, in believe life, in the miracle that believes life. Otherwise the computation for utility, I cannot find any living senses.
火星文: 莪們洧哆尐幾率遇箌,那個自己深愛吔深愛自己啲囚。即便遇箌叻,洧哆尐幾率這両個囚茴┅直赱丅去呢?這仫哆曉概率啲倳件湊茬┅起,眞啲囹囚崩潰。然洏莪們就昰為叻這仫零點零幾啲幾率,茬相信囚苼,茬相信囚苼啲奇跡。鈈然為叻功利啲計算,莪找鈈箌任何活著啲意図。