石康 · 336人关注
英文版: Be less than the United States, still do not look to give a Chinese to treat the weak to have really how brutal, be in the United States, look at those and white man to hold is laughing black in the arms together, I am sad, the slave in pily ground is before them, they are mentioned in American contemporary novel still saying those orangutan -- , but they also live like the person now -- Chinese woman, the child, farmer, the Chinese returns firm to the black than American to them, make a person not have really language.
火星文: 鈈箌媄國,還眞看鈈絀ф國囚對待弱者洧哆仫殘酷,茬媄國,看著那些與苩囚菢茬┅起笑著啲嫼囚,莪就難過,彵們鉯前就昰棉婲地裏啲奴隸啊,媄國哯玳曉詤裏談起彵們還茬詤那些個猩猩——,但彵們哯茬吔像囚┅樣苼活——ф國啲囡囚,駭孓,農囻,ф國囚對彵們仳媄國囚對嫼囚還狠,眞昰囹囚無語。