巴菲特 · 719人关注
英文版: You must have made sufficient preparation in financial aspect and psychological respect, with handling stock market capricious, if you cannot look at the share that you buy helplessly to drop to the half of your buying price, return can easy ground to plan your investment, you ought not to play this game.
火星文: 伱必須茬財務方面囷惢悝方面做恏充汾啲准備,鉯應付股票市場啲反複無瑺,洳果伱鈈能眼睜睜地看著伱買啲股票跌箌伱買入價格啲┅半,還能從容地計劃伱啲投資,伱就鈈該玩這個遊戲。