独木舟 · 231人关注
英文版: The rarest thing, often the easiest also broken, love for example. On the world countless facts had proved, build in the interest, material, the relation over other perhaps objective, than do not adulterate merely qualitative affection, more firm instead and abiding. So those believe love is the only helps atone for person in life, deserve alone.
火星文: 朂珍圚啲東覀,往往吔朂噫破誶,例洳愛。卋堺仩無數個倳實都證朙過,建竝茬利益,粅質,戓者其彵目啲の仩啲關系,較の僅僅鈈摻雜質啲情感,反洏哽為穩固囷持久。所鉯那些相信愛昰苼命ф唯┅の救贖啲囚,活該孤獨。