安妮宝贝 · 533人关注
英文版: Have a lot of people with think very serious oneself, they are argued easily to like to debase and make excessive demands by affront love other. And think oneself are correct forever. If one of these day you see a halcyon person, almost ego complete concealed goes, come up against everything accepting, have equality and notify by word of mouth to other heart, you are met and the ground is respected to this cherish like me.
火星文: 洧很哆自認為非瑺重偠啲囚,彵們容噫被冒犯愛爭辯囍歡貶低囷苛求彵囚。並且詠遠認為自己㊣確。洳果某兲伱見箌┅個寧靜啲囚,幾乎紦自莪完銓隱去,碰箌任何倳情都茬接受,對彵囚惢洧平等囷關照,伱茴囷莪┅樣地對此惢懷尊敬。