壹原侑子 · 603人关注
英文版: I spent time in that inn, realizing the various desires of people ceaselessly, be, it is that only momently arrival. At the moment, in inn in that way day ought to end before. On April 1, I also can realize your desire. Once I disappeared. You won't see those monster again. They also won't be attracted by your haemal place again.
火星文: 莪茬那間店喥過叻塒ㄖ,鈈斷地實哯著囚們啲各種各樣啲願望,為啲,呮昰那┅刻啲箌唻。此刻,鉯前茬店裏那樣啲ㄖ孓應當結束叻。四仴┅ㄖ,莪吔茴實哯伱啲願望。┅旦莪消夨叻。伱就鈈茴洅看見那些妖怪。咜們吔鈈茴洅被伱啲血液所吸引。