舒婷 · 717人关注
英文版: I believe us be proficient in a kind of language. Spend the ring with bell dumb silent, meteorite does not have the poem that writes, and tape can not hear -- the suggestion that the distance of blackish red of rays of morning or evening sunshine offers us. If must talk, I am reticent in order to answer.
火星文: 莪相信莪們都通曉┅種語訁。婲鍾喑啞啲鈴聲,隕煋莈洧寫完啲詩,鉯及錄喑帶所無法聽箌啲——霞咣殷紅啲遠方給予伱莪啲暗示。洳果┅萣偠詤話,莪無訁鉯答。