爱迪生 · 549人关注
英文版: Although we always heave a sigh of life short, but what we look forward to it in every phase however is terminative. Children period looks forward to manhood, manhood looks forward to to get married, want to get rich again later, of afterwards hope to acquire reputation position again, want to put in concealed 's charge again finally.
火星文: 雖然莪們總昰歎息苼命啲短促,但莪們卻茬烸個階段都盼望咜啲終結。ㄦ童塒期盼望成姩,成姩盼望成鎵,の後又想發財,繼の又希望獲嘚名譽地位,朂後又想歸隱。