梁启超 · 474人关注
英文版: We want nurturance to read to be used to carefully at the same time, want nurturance to read at the same time bird-eyed habit. Heart not detailed rules is without earning, be equal to read in vain; Discomfort criterion moment is used not quite, cannot rich search data.
火星文: 莪們┅面偠養成讀圕惢細啲習慣,┅面偠養成讀圕眼快啲習慣。惢鈈細則毫無所嘚,等於苩讀;眼鈈快則塒候鈈夠鼡,鈈能博搜資料。
<< 上一篇未曾哭过长夜的人,不足以语人生。