曹德旺 · 304人关注
英文版: The person should speak consecratory mind, learn and actor criterion be an official, be an official is not to point to when the official, tell dedication however. You think I this is high-key, I am true so think, you write down these words, when my nonagenarian when will check, seeing me is so do.
火星文: 囚偠講奉獻精神,學洏優則仕,仕鈈昰指當官,洏昰講奉獻。伱們都認為莪這昰高調,莪昰眞啲這仫認為,伱紦這些話都記丅唻,等箌莪九┿哆歲啲塒候唻核對,看莪昰鈈昰這仫做啲。