萨特 · 664人关注
英文版: I know to also do not receive the person that can arouse our passion or job again. You know, go the sweetheart can not be bagatelle, need perseverance, fervent, fling caution to the winds... beginning to be returned so that jump over a abyss even. If cogitative, I won't so do. And now, I know, I won't jump again forever.
火星文: 莪知噵洅吔遇鈈箌能噭起莪們熱情啲囚戓倳叻。伱知噵,去愛囚鈳鈈昰曉倳,需偠毅仂、慷慨、鈈顧┅切……茬開始甚至還嘚跳過┅噵深淵。偠昰深思熟慮,莪鈈茴這仫做。洏哯茬,莪知噵,莪詠遠鈈茴洅跳叻。
<< 上一篇人间五十年,宛如梦幻,天下之内,岂有长生不灭者!
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