七堇年 · 310人关注
英文版: Had turned round to see those soak the dramatic Bei happy event that attending in black and white, the ground that cut skin feels, be in in that way the drift along age of an obsequious, hurting feeling is the decoration of deck life it seems that, seem to depend on those only, psychedelic like, by us flimsy subjective bear the damnation that force exaggerates indefinitely, we just are able to have hot tear to be filled with the youth of the socket of eye.
火星文: 囙過頭去看看那些浸透茬苩紙嫼芓仩啲苼動啲悲囍,切膚地感覺箌,茬那樣┅個唯唯諾諾啲苟且姩紀,傷情似乎昰裝點苼命啲勳嶂,恏像呮洧憑借那些,幻覺般啲,被莪們脆弱啲主觀承受仂無限誇夶啲非難,莪們才嘚鉯擁洧熱淚盈眶啲圊春。