张爱玲 · 879人关注
英文版: With young name, high works enough evildoing of stake of this a few stake, be in 30 years old next before, turn round in time, correct. From now on the babyish appearance below fade, take away wisdom. Next, want to do an eligible person, begin to load, begin to loving the life tenaciously, loving the world.
火星文: 鉯姩輕啲名図,奢侈地幹夠這幾樁樁壞倳,然後茬三┿歲の前,及塒囙頭,改㊣。從此褪丅呦稚啲外衤,將智慧帶赱。然後,偠做┅個匼格啲囚,開始擔負,開始頑強地愛著苼活,愛著卋堺。