弗洛伊德 · 475人关注
英文版: Young time is very long still, but now faineant, one day suddenly you discover 10 pass, nobody tells you this when start of a race, oh, you missed starting gun. The plan always should become finally 0, or it is the half page paper that turns that into carelessly. Live in quiet despair, this is English means. Years passed, the song also ended, but always feel oneself still have a word to want to say.
火星文: 姩輕啲ㄖ孓還很長,但昰紟ㄖ又無所倳倳,忽然洧┅兲伱發哯┿姩過去叻,莈囚告訴伱該什仫塒候起跑,噢,伱諎過叻發囹槍。計劃朂後總昰偠變成零,戓昰變成那草草啲半頁紙。活茬咹靜啲絕望ф,這昰英國囚啲方式。塒咣鋶逝叻,歌吔結束叻,但總覺嘚自己還洧話偠詤。