蔡康永 · 868人关注
英文版: We understanding is tired, often wander to holding to and abandon namely between, hesitate. We can be troubled, it is memory too good, should write down, the metropolis that ought not to write down stays in memory. It is painful that we are met, what go after namely is too much. We joyless, be dispute is too much, not be us those who have is too little, however of our dispute too much.
火星文: 莪們の所鉯茴惢累,就昰瑺瑺徘徊茬堅持囷放棄の間,舉棋鈈萣。莪們の所鉯茴煩惱,就昰記性呔恏,該記啲,鈈該記啲都茴留茬記憶裏。莪們の所鉯茴痛苦,就昰縋求啲呔哆。莪們の所鉯鈈快圞,就昰計較啲呔哆,鈈昰莪們擁洧啲呔尐,洏昰莪們計較啲呔哆。