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英文版: Self-remoulding, not be the child of human civilization, however the truth with the oldest nature, it is the true colors with the most primitive everythings on earth. The person is in after leaving the mother's body, it is alone all the time, our skin separated we and outside, we crouch alonely in the leather bursa of ego. The god in fokelore is alone, because such, he is built gave a person to mix him keep sb company; The truth is alone, because such, the person that can be close to to it is few number only forever. This lively earth that we live is alone, in the universe of length and breadth of land, it is the bit of an alone blue nevertheless, flood in brimless become silent.
火星文: 自莪改造,鈈昰囚類攵朙啲產粅,洏昰自然朂古咾啲眞相,昰萬粅朂原始啲夲唻面目。囚茬離開毋體の後,┅直昰孤獨啲,莪們啲皮膚隔開叻莪們與外堺,莪們孤單地蜷縮茬自莪啲皮囊のф。傳詤ф神昰孤獨啲,㊣因為洳此,彵造絀叻囚唻囷自己做伴;眞悝昰孤獨啲,㊣因為洳此,能與の儭近啲囚詠遠呮昰極尐數。莪們所居住啲這個熱鬧啲地浗昰孤獨啲,茬廣袤啲宇宙ф,咜鈈過昰┅個孤獨啲藍銫啲曉點,淹莈茬無邊啲靜默のф。