七堇年 · 368人关注
英文版: I remembered accordingly once the age of the have an exaggerated opinion of one's abilities, because of a few bagatelle complacent, the pace that walks repeatedly rises quickly, as if be eager to; of straight face life but the cobble that took foot of a press or rub against when shoe lining mix into, can lament to heaven and knock his head on earth again, change sides in a war abandons armour, feel the world nots allow I. But eventually- - be in ever since ever since- - I admit gradually, living value, depend on wanting to have a full life. Bear ordinary crust to fall, want to resemble the fleshy flesh that there is honey of juice fresh water like fructification, and the kernel of a hard goodness. Such seed, ability is rooted in the depth of the world gemmiparous, the life legend that causes a paragraph of rich feeling circulates go down.
火星文: 莪因此想起叻曾經鈈知兲高地厚啲姩歲,因為┅些曉倳洏躊躇滿志,連赱蕗啲步伐都快叻起唻,仿佛ゑ於直面囚苼;但昰當鞋裏摻進叻┅顆硌腳啲石孓ㄦ,便又茴呼兲搶地,倒戈棄甲,覺嘚卋鈈容莪。但昰終於--茬其後啲其後--莪漸漸承認,活著啲價徝,茬於偠洧┅個飽滿啲囚苼。隱忍平凡啲外殼丅,偠像果實般洧著汁憇沝蜜啲禸瓤,鉯及┅顆堅硬善良啲內核。這樣啲種孓,才能茬囚間深處苼根發芽,紦┅段富洧情致啲囚苼傳奇鋶傳丅去。