蔡元培 · 148人关注
英文版: Education is the person that the help is taught, give him to be able to expand him capacity, achieve his moral quality, at him monomolecular responsibility can be being used up on human culture; Not be a person that is taught, cause a kind of special appliance, to hold him to plant the person of the purpose goes applying.
火星文: 教育昰幫助被教育啲囚,給彵能發展自己啲能仂,完成彵啲囚格,於囚類攵囮仩能盡自己┅汾孓啲責任;鈈昰紦被教育啲囚,造成┅種特別器具,給菢洧彵種目啲啲囚去應鼡啲。