巴尔扎克 · 931人关注
英文版: The husband thinks of to be in charge of a madam, far not as good as the lover thinks of to approach Moll time much; Ban child think of to close firm door, far not as good as convict thinks of to flee for one's life the time is much; So although difficulty is much, lover and convict should succeed all the same.
火星文: 丈夫想箌管呔呔,遠鈈及情囚想箌接近情婦佽數哆;禁孓想箌關牢闁,遠鈈及囚犯想箌逃命佽數哆;所鉯困難盡管哆,情囚囷囚犯照樣應該成功。