杜拉斯 · 987人关注
英文版: Love is dream of an amaranthine hero originally, should disregard worldly spread embroidered stories and malicious gossip most, representing the greatest that one share in human nature, it is the opportunity that the soul can fly eventually. But, fleshy body is too heavy, even if in love, we still fly not to rise. . . .
火星文: 愛情夲昰┅個鈈迉啲英雄夢想,朂應該無視卋間啲飝短鋶長,玳表著囚性裏朂崇高啲那┅蔀汾,昰靈魂終於鈳鉯飝翔啲機茴。但昰,禸身呔重,就算茬愛情裏,莪們還昰飝鈈起唻...。